Thursday, July 3, 2008


Woke up 4.30am today but got out off bed by 4.45am =.= and thn heat up the 苦茶 for dearest...
5.30am Lun came and picked me up, guess where we were going?
yup... Airport that is~
Yiu is leaving kk to kl for futher studies, I'm glad that she's like finally building a path for her future but in the other hand, kinda sad that she left BUT i manage to see her during CNY 2009,so it's not that bad after all XD~
Acc her a while at the airport, untill Cheryl and Anon showed up~ chat a while and took some lousy pictures =.= I can't take good picts with all these weird people staring at me, wondering what is this Sabahan doing,macam tourist saja XD~
6.30am, yiu told us she the time has come for her to go in... All i did was holding back my tears, I know yiu too was trying not to cry in front of us...
We waved her goodbye and after that we went to eat 生肉面 LOL~

Xean & Yiu

Cheryl & Yiu
Yiu & Anon
It hurts to say goodbye...


Anonymous said...

YER=.= i no go daoT__T
she wake me up at 5.30am=

文薏✿ΧƏΛИ said...

u gt class mah~~ bukan meh? XD
december u guys oso can meet derh =.=